Whenever you are standing at the top of a hill looking down the other side, there are usually two possible ways to react to what you see. You can look ahead with fear and dread, knowing that there will be challenges coming. Or you can look with excitement and anticipation in what lies ahead. Either way, the challenges will be there.
The same is true for us at Inspiration Hills. We are standing at the top of the hill looking ahead to the next year. We know there will be some challenges waiting. And there will be a lot of hard work to be done.
But at Inspiration Hills we see only one way to react. We will step out and begin walking through 2024 with excitement and anticipation. The challenges and hard work will meet us along the way, but we will deal with each one as they come and continue in the journey God has laid out for us.
We look forward in excitement and with anticipation because we know that God has a plan for Inspiration Hills. We know that this is His camp, and He has been using this camp to provide an environment for every person who spends time here to come to know and grow in Christ and be challenged for life in God’s kingdom. And we know that His plan will succeed!
As we step into 2024, we invite you to walk with us. Our desire is for you to join with us and become a part of what God is doing. There are many ways that you can participate: work groups, prayer support, financial assistance, and volunteering. You can also spread the word about the camp or sponsor a child who desires to come to camp.
It is going to be an amazing year at Inspiration Hills! God has a plan and we get to be a part of it! Come along with us. We would love for you to be a part of the blessing of being used by God to do an extraordinary work here at His camp.
So even though there are usually two possible ways to react to what is coming in the year ahead, we choose to look forward with excitement and anticipation. We know that in the past God has used this camp in amazing ways to change lives, and we know He has a plan for this year as well. Join us as we do our part in His great plan. Happy New Year, and we will see you in the days to come.
James Koller
Interim Executive Director
Our Mission is to provide an environment in which the individual will come to know and grow in Christ and be challenged for life in God’s Kingdom.
1242 280th St | Inwood, IA | 51240