High School Camp

High School Camp

Available for 10th-12th Graders


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This new camp is sure to be an exciting one!

Don’t want your camp adventure to end after middle school? Neither do we! Our new high school camp is a blast in the making! Campers will stay in the lodge with opportunities to venture all over camp.

This camp is designed to create a community for everyone. Sharing life together, diving deeper into the Word and new experiences will sprout lifelong friendships and a deepened understanding of the Lord.

Register Now Pre-Camp Reminders


10th-12th Grade

$430 before April 15 | $475 after April 15

Option Date
High School Camp July 7-11

What to Expect


The first day of camp is a different experience for everyone. For some, excitement is high in anticipation of the adventure ahead, for others it might be there first time away from home and they are nervous! Their counselor's mission is to meet them where they're at, get to know them, and help get them adjust to the new environment.

For our High School campers on this day, they'll get to move into their dorms, worship and learn in their first chapel and enjoy a meal together prepared by our great kitchen staff!

The rest of the night will be spent playing a large group game with the otehr campers and getting to know each other more!


On the second day of camp, the high school campers start their day off with a hearty breakfast at the lodge to prepare them for the day ahead. In the morning the group will do a teambuilding activity and begin their bible study with their counselors and dive into the word of  God.

After lunch is chapel, digging into the theme more. After chapel, the campers move into Open Activity Time (OAT)! During OAT, campers will have the option ot go to the pool, get some snacks at the canteen, and more! There is also a tiem where tehre will be organized activities like axe throwing or archery tag!

As evening approaches, the high school campers will spend time together as a camp, having some fireside chats, enjoying tiem with each other and playing some fun games! 


After another day of camp, the campers are learning to be more comfortable with each other and having honest conversations while being their authentic selves! The morning is very similar to Tuesday, breakfast, teambuilding, and bible study lead us into lunch!

After lunch is chapel, exploring more of our theme and need for Christ. OAT comes in after a chapel as well as other organized activities like canoeing!

The evening looks a bit different on Wednesday. After dinner, all the campers gather for an ice cream social and lawn games in the backyard of the lodge. Following the ice cream social, is our commitment chapel service. In this special chapel the gospel message is delivered in it's entirety and campers are invited to commit their lives to Christ. During this night, some campers will choose to give their lives to the Lord for the first time. Campers also get an opportunity to talk through their faith one on one with their counselor and ask any hard questions they may have. 


On this day, the campers once again wake up to another breakfast and another exciting day ahead of them. This is the last full day of the week. After their final teambuilder, bible study and lunch, the campers dive into worship and chapelk to explore what happens know after last night's commitment chapel. Aftwerwards comes, you guessed it, OAT! After OAT annd dinner, it's time for one of the most exhilirating activities at camp, the High Ropes Course! Campers are encouraged to push themselves out of their comfort zone and challenged to conquer the variety of elements we have. 

After the high ropes, campers begin their final night together. Reflecting on their time at camp and with each other spurs on deep conversations and solidifies bonds that will turn into lifelong friendships.


After a long, exciting, life-changing week of spending time with friends and with the Lord, it's finally time to wrap up the summer camp experience. After breakfast, each camper packs up their things and proceeds to one final large group game which will include every camper from every camp of the week! 

During this time, parents are welcome to bring their lawn chairs and come before noon for a big cookout and to enjoy final chapel. This chapel includes a recap of the week and one last opportunity for all campers to praise the Lord together before departure. We encourage campers to share with their families what they learned at camp on the ride home.

High School Camp FAQs

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Can my camper have their phone?

    At Inspiration Hills, we encourage our campers to fully unplug. Please, have your camper give you their phone. Phones will be confiscated and placed in a secure location until the end of the week.

  • How can my camper contact me?

    The Program Directors will be in contact with you if there is any emergency with your camper. If you need to contact your camper with in an emergency, you may call the office 712-986-5193

  • If my camper has a commitment (Sports, birthday parties, play practice etc.) can they leave camp?

    Campers may only leave campus once during their time at Inspiration Hills. All comings and goings must be communicated to the office manage or program director.

  • What do I do with my camper's medication?

    When you drop off your camper, you can drop their medication off at the nurse's table. Our nurse takes care of medication distribution.

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