For students, summer is a unique time. It's a special few months where you get to decide for yourself what to make of it! So, what are you gonna do? Where are you going to work? Maybe you're interested in Summer Camp and are considering whether or not it will be the best option for you. That's a big decision!
Where do you begin to make such a huge decision? Thankfully, you're not the only one who's ever had to make it. Every college student goes through the process of deciding what to do based on their priorities, desires, and convictions. Let's take a look at the experiences of a few students who chose Summer Camp.
Whenever someone decides to choose Summer Camp, there is always that first pull. How we respond to that pull is different for everyone. For some, it's an exciting thought! For others it's met with reluctance. Check out the video below to hear a few short testimonies on their experience of feeling the initial call to Camp.
One of the reasons why you might want to choose to work at Summer Camp is because of the amazing memories you will make! Let's take a look at a few.
Another reason to choose to work at a Summer Camp is the impact it will have on your resumé. Most of our alumni cite their experience at Summer Camp as being the most talked about part of their resumé when applying for jobs. The truth is, your Summer Camp experience will be immensely beneficial for your career after college.
Most importantly, working at a Summer Camp is a great way to grow in your faith. Time and time again, we hear stories from our staff how impactful their experience has been when it comes to their personal walk with God.
Still on the fence? You're not alone! However, staffers who have been on the fence and ultimately chosen to work at Summer Camp will always testify how much of a blessing it ended up being for them at the end of the day!
Ultimately, what you do with your summer is in fact a big decision. Take the time to pray and seek the Lord's guidance on it. If you feel him nudging you toward working at Summer Camp, don't be afraid to heed that call. As with any decision to follow Christ, we promise you won't regret it.
If you'd like to apply today, click the link below to fill out your application. We'd love for you to join us in our mission to share the love of Christ with the next generation.
Our Mission is to provide an environment in which the individual will come to know and grow in Christ and be challenged for life in God’s Kingdom.
1242 280th St | Inwood, IA | 51240