Iowa is thought of as a place in the middle of nowhere with nothing but corn, beans, and livestock barns. Yet the sunsets that Iowans experience are unlike anywhere else. Inspiration Hills is blessed with over 250 acres of area which is used for summer camps, retreats, reunions, and other events. If you ever find yourself out here, for any reason, consider going to one of these spots during a sunset and take a moment to bask in the glory of our Creator.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 8:40 P.M. Journey camp is in full swing. I was in the middle of a chaotic evening, running to anywhere and everywhere that needed help. Right then, my mission was to get scissors, paper, and pens so the 4th through 6th graders could play four on the couch. And the campers were getting impatient. I sprinted up the stairs, skipping steps on the way up, and burst through the dining hall doors.
I had to stop in my tracks. Something about the dining hall was different. It wasn't the positioning of the tables or chairs, it wasn’t the silence or lack of people, it wasn’t even the temperature (which is normally quite chilly). No, it was the lighting.The entire dining hall was basked in an orange glow. I looked outside and sure enough, it was as if the whole sky was on fire. I was so caught up in the glow of the sunset that I didn’t even think to snap a picture. I took in the moment, then rushed off to get and deliver my goods.
While you may not be able to see the sun on the horizon from the lodge, many times you can see the orange, pink, and red glow of a sunset over the trees behind the lodge. And the addition of the trees is what makes the lodge a memorable place to watch a sunset. And fairly accessible too. Just grab a cup of coffee from the coffee machine and enjoy the view.
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 8:45 PM. I was running late. I had to print booklets, fold them, and put the camper's names on them in preparation for the upcoming camp week. I was bustling about, forgetting I needed to have prayer time with my Prayer Partner.
I was hustling to the Sunshine room when I ran into him. He reminded me that we had yet to do our prayer time. So we did just that. We walked out to Lookout and saw one of the most pink sunsets I have ever seen. It really set the mood for our prayer time.
At Lookout, not only do you get to see the sunset among the rolling hills, but you also get to see the sunset as a backdrop to the three crosses. A bonus is the nearby fire pit, which you can use to make s'mores as you watch the sun set beneath the horizon.
Thursday, June 23, 2023, 8:40 PM. I loved being the CHIPS coordinator. During weeks when the high schoolers were not wandering the grounds, my co-coordinator Sami and I would go around and help with the different activities going on. On this particular day, we were heading back from a long evening at Wilder.
That evening, we also stayed for some of their evening activities such as Archery, Wilder Ball, and the infamous spaghetti fight - all traditional Wilder activities. We had taken a golf cart down to Wilder and were driving it back to the lodge so we could wrap up our day. And I needed a shower.
As we were driving back to the lodge, we came upon the clearing by the Meadows fire pit. A sunset was casting the meadow in an orange glow, and the clouds in the sky added to the scene. I slowed the golf cart to a stop, and Sami and I just took in the sunset for a moment.
The Meadows fire pit is a little off the beaten path, but that is what makes it so special. Not many people will be around to interrupt the experience. Just sit there, with the breeze and the sunset, uninterrupted, and soak in the peacefulness of God’s creation.
Monday, July 24, 2023, 8:50 P.M. One of my favorite things to do at camp is go on walks. Normally I would do this to de-stress and reflect upon the happenings of a hectic day. Whenever I let myself walk at camp, for some reason I always end up at Sunset Point, no matter what time of day. Some fellow Summer Staff and I decided that a walk was necessary this particular evening.
We grabbed some paint and our newly purchased cloth bags, and we set out to Sunset Point to watch the sunset and paint. That day I did intend to paint that bag, but I got very distracted.
We sat down on the bench and laid out the supplies. The wind had started to pick up, and rain clouds were all around us. To most people, this would be a red flag, but clouds make for the best sunsets. And this evening's did not disappoint. The picture above is one of the many pictures I have from that evening. I will let the picture speak for itself because that type of sunset is better seen than described.
About 10 minutes later, those rain clouds came upon us like the second coming, and we got drenched. Between the wind blowing cotton balls from the nearby trees around us, to the beautiful sunset, that evening I can only describe as cinematic.
Sunset Point is called Sunset Point for a reason. It has the best view of the entire horizon. You will never be disappointed in taking a trip to Sunset Point to catch a sunset. Watch the cars go by down below, the lights turn on from nearby farmsteads and towns, and watch as the sun disappears behind the horizon.
Friday, August 18, 2023, 8:45 P.M. Summer Camp was over, but that doesn’t mean Inspiration Hills wasn’t busy. I was helping out with what we lovingly have started calling “college week,” in which many colleges bring their Resident Life staff for bonding and team builders. While the days are busy, in the evenings things would slow down a bit.
I took the opportunity this evening to hammock at Saddle Up. I hiked from the lodge down to the ropes course and up the steep hill to Saddle Up. With no horses or campers, Saddle Up was quiet and peaceful. I set up my hammock and covered myself in blankets. The wind was blowing, making it hard to read.
But the Sunset made the entire trip worth it. Snuggled in my blankets, I watched as the sun met the horizon. The orange of the sunset glowed on the clouds that sat just above the sun. And as the sun disappeared behind the hills, the sunset was at the peak of its majestic colors.
Saddle Up, no matter where you stand, has the best sunsets. Period. Whether you are sitting underneath the shelter, standing by the tack shed, or hanging out at the fire pit, you will get a wonderful view of the sunset.
In all of these stories (except Sadde Up), a sunset was the reason I stopped what I was doing and just took in the moment. The beauty of God was on display, and each of these times I chose to stop and take it in. But there are many times I did not stop, and maybe I should have.
Maybe you find yourself in a busy season of your life. Maybe you wish to slow down and just take in the moment. Inspiration Hills is here to help you with that. We are here for your big planned events or your unplanned personal day. Or anything in between. So consider coming out here to retreat, watch a sunset, and remember the glory of our Creator.
Our Mission is to provide an environment in which the individual will come to know and grow in Christ and be challenged for life in God’s Kingdom.
1242 280th St | Inwood, IA | 51240